Produced in a very limited quantity of approximately 200 copies each, each printed volume is hardbound with gold foil stamped simulated leather binding. The book volumes are $45.00 each plus $3.95 S/H. CD-ROM editions are $25.00 postpaid.
The currently available volumes are:
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1959"
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1960"
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1961"
Out of stock
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1962"
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1963"
Out of stock
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1964"
Out of stock
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1965"
Out of stock
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1966"
Out of stock
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1967"
Out of stock
"The Complete Library of American Phonograph Records 1968"
The 1968 Volume is available ONLY on CD-ROM. It is a fully searchable database file (1.35mb), in Microsoft Access. Having this information in Access means you can edit the text and add or delete as you wish.
The 1968 Complete Library of American Phonograph Records CD is only $25.00, plus $2.00 S/H.
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