Movie-TV Soundtracks & Original Cast Albums
Buyers-Sellers Reference Book & Price Guide
In BOOK or CD-ROM Format
2016 Edition!

Get the very latest in soundtracks and original cast record pricing and reference information, and get it either in printed book format, or on CD-ROM in PDF.

Improved from all previous editions, you'll find this to be the most valuable soundtracks and casts reference tool yet. Has more than 13,000 entries, covering over 6,000 films and shows.

In addition to the U.S. entries, we continue to add new listings from around the world. Our current database includes recordings from shows released in these countries:

Argentina; Australia; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; Chile; China; Croatia; Cuba; Czech Republic; Denmark; France; Germany; Greece; Guatemala; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; India; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Korea; Lebanon; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Persia; Portugal; Philippines; Russia (U.S.S.R.); Singapore; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Taiwan; Thailand; Turkey; United Kingdom; Uruguay; Venezuela; Yugoslavia; and Zimbabwe.

The 2016 edition has 696 pages, 8 1/2" x 11" format. It now has trade paperback binding, also known as "perfect bound." It is not spiral-bound, as were earlier editions.

Now includes the complete Composer-Conductor-Cast index!

ISBN 0-932117-92-9 (Book)

Since 1981 Osborne and his team have provided the leading guide for this fascinating and highly specialized area of collecting. Has revised pricing throughout, reviewed and approved by many of the field's top dealers and collectors.

View a sample page here!

Cover price is still just $49.00, plus shipping (determined at checkout). All orders will be shipped in a sturdy cardboard box.

MOVIE/TV SOUNDTRACKS & ORIGINAL CASTS for 2016 is now on CD-ROM. Just $25 postpaid in the U.S.

All listings are easily searchable on the CD. Print everything or just selected portions. You are in complete control!

ISBN 0-932117-93-7 (CD-ROM)

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